A new "script" trigger mode was added in XangleCS starting with version 2024-01-25.

This mode lets you fine tune trigger scenarios for your cameras and gives you controls over camera settings, various presets (light, gpio, projector, display...) and some of the server settings (trigger mode, sound...).


Trigger scripts also include keyboard shortcuts to quickly switch between scripts (CRTL+SHIFT+[1 to 10]) .

Use cases for these scripts include the ability to change lighting during a long exposure shot or quickly switch between trigger mode and camera settings with a simple keyboard shortcut.

Creating and installing scripts

Scripts are .json files that are stored in the config\trigger-scripts  folder of the working directory of xangle (typically %userprofile%\\xangleCS\\).


You can either create a script directly from the app or copy (import) an existing json script to this folder. We strongly recommend using a text editor that supports JSON(visual studio code / notepad++...) to edit these files and enforce the syntax.

You can also use online editor such as https://jsoneditoronline.org/ or https://jsonformatter.org/json-editor

If you are using a web browser you might need to refresh the page (F5) after importing a new script. If you are running in the app, then it is advised to restart it.

Script syntax

The script is divided into several optional parts that govern different aspects of a shooting. Each part is a JSON subsection using the following syntax.


camera_preset refers to an existing camera preset created using the camera-preset page in the xangleCS app.

When a camera_preset is present in the script, that preset will be applied to all the camera groups upon selecting the script. It can be used to change the various settings of all your cameras (exposure, iso, image format…) before actually running the script.


	"id": "r100-craw"