Using a Raspberry Pi architecture with Xangle only means that you have to flash microSD cards. You NEVER have to access the pis directly. The flashing steps doesn't require any additional software, and it is pretty straightforward. Once your sd card is flashed, you simply insert it in the Pi and you forget about it. For large arrays, check out also the Batch Cloner.

Pre flashed cards (ready to use!) are now available from our store. Simply follow this link to get packs of 6 MicroSD cards:

By doing this, you cut corners and you're ready to roll with zero setup time on the Raspberry Pis. Once you receive our cards, you simply insert them in your Raspberry Pis and you're good to go (no operation on the Pis at all - we automated everything). Please note that if we do major updates, you might have to clone a new image using the procedure below

Steps to clone a micro-sd card

  1. Run Xangle Camera Server in Administrator mode (right click on the app shortcut, run as administrator)
  2. Open a web browser and navigate to http://localhost:8091/pi-cloner
  3. Insert a MicroSD card in a card reader on your computer. Make sure you don't have any other cards or usb-sticks connected to the computer to avoid any bad surprises. Use cards with capacity of at least 16gb


  1. Download the up-to-date image (click on the "download image" button). You only need to do this once.


  1. Once the Image is downloaded, click on "Write to SD card


  1. Make yourself a coffee while the card is being flashed


  1. Put the microSd card in the Pi, and you're good to go.


1- Partition problems

If the pi-cloner is reporting errors with a SD card that has previously been cloned for Xangle (or any other raspberry pi OS), you should erase all the partitions present on the cards and reformat it. Here is the procedure:

  1. Open the windows disk management tool (windows key + x -> disk management)